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How much does Painter and Decorator cost in Kingston upon Thames? See Our Instant Prices™.

Average Price

300 £ - 1,300 £

The best Kingston upon Thames Painter and Decorator prices are waiting for you at HomeRun. If you want to get professional and reliable Painter and Decorator service, you can create a job request, compare incoming Painter and Decorator prices, and get your job done easily.

Painter and Decorator

Average Kingston upon Thames Painter and Decorator Price

Average Kingston upon Thames Painter and Decorator Price300 £ 1,300 £

Factors Affecting Kingston upon Thames Painter and Decorator Price

Factors Affecting Kingston upon Thames Painter and Decorator Price
How many rooms would you like painted and decorated?300 £600 £
Which of the following do you need?300 £300 £
What type of property is this for?300 £300 £

Example Kingston upon Thames Painter and Decorator Prices

London / Kingston upon Thames

London / Kingston upon Thames


850 £

850 £ - 1,350 £

Request details

Painter and Decorator

How many rooms would you like painted and decorated?

6+ rooms

Which of the following do you need?

Painting only

What type of property is this for?


Job Details

We just moved into a new house and need a complete tidy up. Everything just looks a little old and miss used. The wallpaper on the walls in some rooms has been painted over but we had three plasterers say it still looks great so may be a waste of time to remove it and replaster. So we are looking fo...

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