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How much does Wood Flooring Fitters cost in Hampshire? See Our Instant Prices™.

Average Price

400 £ - 5,150 £

The best Hampshire Wood Flooring Fitters prices are waiting for you at HomeRun. If you want to get professional and reliable Wood Flooring Fitters service, you can create a job request, compare incoming Wood Flooring Fitters prices, and get your job done easily.

Wood Flooring Fitters

Average Hampshire Wood Flooring Fitters Price

Average Hampshire Wood Flooring Fitters Price400 £ 5,150 £

Example Hampshire Wood Flooring Fitters Prices

Hampshire / Eastleigh

Hampshire / Eastleigh


4,800 £

1,000 £ - 4,800 £

Request details

Wood Flooring Fitters

How large will be the wood flooring area in square meters?


How many rooms would you like fitted with wood flooring?


Do you need the pro to provide the flooring?

Yes, include the new flooring in price

What type of wood flooring will be installed?


Will old flooring or carpet need to be removed?

No need to remove flooring or carpet

Job Details

This is new build property, we ar explaining to receive it end of November and would need floors early December. I have floor plans. Please contact me for it and provode us with a quote :)

Hampshire Wood Flooring Fitters Prices Reviews

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226 Wood Flooring Fitters are ready for you in Hampshire.