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How much does Tiling cost in Sandwell? See Our Instant Prices™.

Average Price

200 £ - 2,200 £

The best Sandwell Tiling prices are waiting for you at HomeRun. If you want to get professional and reliable Tiling service, you can create a job request, compare incoming Tiling prices, and get your job done easily.


Average Sandwell Tiling Price

Average Sandwell Tiling Price200 £ 2,200 £

Example Sandwell Tiling Prices

Sandwell / Sandwell

Sandwell / Sandwell


175 £

175 £ - 500 £

Request details


How large is the area to be tiled?

5 m2 or less

Job Details

1. Approximately 4m2 walls in a downstairs cloakroom area which is empty and prepared for job. 2. Kitchen (behind cooker) splash back wall continuing round to window ledge area ( approx. 3m2). This area is also prepared Looking for reasonable quotes based on online average 2023 prices

Sandwell Tiling Prices Reviews

Get 4 Tiling Quotes in Sandwell.

80 Tilers are ready for you in Sandwell.