Arabella Hornung

Online Nutritionist · registered 11 month(s) ago
Milton Keynes Milton Keynes

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I am a Nutritional Therapist with over 200 hours of clinical experience and a strong background in Biomedicine and Analytical Chemistry. I have carried out research on the effects of probiotics on metabolic and microbial profiles and implications on the development of diseases including diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular disease. I provide personalised nutrition, supplement and lifestyle protocols during initial and follow-up consultations, as well as interpret and read functional laboratory tests. My areas of expertise include gut health, immune health, and reproductive/endocrine health and the interlink between these. I have been able to control my own IBS-D over the years and lower my chronic inflammation with a balanced and optimal diet and exercise. If you would like help optimising your health or a addressing a specific condition, reach out and I will create a protocol that is ideal for you and your root cause(s).
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