Contract Lawyer
Glasgow City
GZ Legal
Contract Lawyer
registered 1 year(s) ago
Glasgow City
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Hi. I am Malcolm, the co-founder of GZ Legal. GZ Legal is a law firm focusing on drafting bespoke, comprehensive and high quality contracts for affordable prices. Our aim in on ensuring our clients take control of their future by drafting contracts that minimize your risks, control relationships, focus on outcomes and protect your interests. Through our experience and a strong understanding of our client’s needs, we identified key weak points existing in the current contract services market and worked to overcome them. If you do not pay a traditional law firm for a contract, your only choice was to utilise the template contracts you found online- which do not protect your interests. This is where GZ Legal comes in. We offer you a law firm service, without the law firm price. We give you the affordable pricing of the downloadable only templates, with a human touch and drafting which is truly bespoke to your needs. We bridge the gap in the legal services market. As a team of 2 ambitious and dedicated lawyers, we work tirelessly to meet our clients' needs and expectations, protect their interests and equip them with the knowledge and tools they need going forward. Our commitment is to look after our clients and remove the stress of finding protective legal documents off them, so they can do what they do best- running their business.
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