
Flat Cleaning · registered 1 month(s) ago
Birmingham Birmingham

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Welcome to ksp cleaners, I am the founder Aesha working alongside my co founder Lisah We are a new business which has just started and we have a lot to tackle in the years to come and hope to bring you along on our journey. Now I know what you may be thinking ksp cleaners it's a bit self explanatory what it is you do Ksp cleaners doesn't operate like a traditional cleaning company... We aim to be different, and be set apart from our competition, while delivering exceptional services to our clients we also want to do things to give back to our community No, here at ksp cleaners we have more of a pressing issue that is on our hearts which we wish to tackle and that is the need for jobs amongst the vulnerable which include homeless, veterans, young adults leaving the care system etc We look to create job opportunities and roles for those In need allowing them a second chance at life. KSP cleaners has just launched their business and they are highly dedicated to solving social issues that impact our society today, such as homelessness, unemployment and so much more! In celebration of this exciting news we are starting it off by looking to help 10 families in the heart of Birmingham with free cleaning services to help start them for the festive season and financial support. I'm sure we are all aware how tough this season can be for some families as we will all be picking up extra shifts working overtime just to ensure that the festive season runs smoothly. Half of the fee that you pay us will go towards our fundraiser that we have set up so that we can be able to achieve this goal in helping these individuals. HELP US HELP THEM Pick KSPcleaners for your services Today !!!!!
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