Sharp Design and Build

Construction · registered 7 month(s) ago
London Hammersmith and Fulham

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Located in the heart of London, Sharp Design & Build stands as a beacon of excellence in the construction industry. For over a decade, our skilled craftsmen and dedicated team have transformed the urban landscape, turning visions into tangible realities. Our diverse portfolio, showcasing over 100 meticulously completed projects, speaks volumes of our unwavering commitment to quality, precision, and customer satisfaction. Services We Offer: - Loft Conversions: Unlock the potential of your home by converting that unused attic space into a functional, stylish living area. Whether it's an extra bedroom, office, or a cozy retreat, our team crafts spaces that seamlessly blend with the existing structure while catering to your specific needs. - Property Extensions: Need more space but reluctant to move? We specialise in expanding your existing property, ensuring the extension feels like a natural evolution of your home, rather than an afterthought. - Property Refurbishment: Breathe new life into aging properties with our top-tier refurbishment services. From modernising interiors to revitalising facades, we blend the charm of yesteryears with contemporary aesthetics and functionalities. - Garden Studios: Embrace the growing trend of garden studios with Sharp Design & Build. Crafted with precision and designed to be both stylish and functional, our garden studios offer the perfect escape without leaving your property.
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